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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Indian Law Institute (ILI) Courses Admission Form Prospectus Download Eligibility How to Apply

Indian Law Institute (ILI) Courses Admission Form Prospectus Download Eligibility How to Apply

Indian Law Institute (ILI)

PG Diploma in Environmental Law and Management (PGDELM)
PG Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Laws (PGDIPRL)
PG Diploma in International Trade Law (PGDITL)   
PG Diploma in Labour Law (PGDLL)
PG Diploma in Securities & Banking Laws (PGDSBL)
PG Diploma in Human Rights Law (PGDHRL)
PG Diploma in Tax Law (PGDTL)
PG Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution (PGDADR)
PG Diploma in Corporate Laws and Management (PGDCLM)   
PG Diploma in Cyber Law (PGDCL)

Minimum qualification for admission to the P.G. Diploma Courses except for Labour Law is a graduate degree from a recognized University.

Admission Procedure: Admission to the Post Graduate Diploma Courses shall be made on merit prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination as per the eligibility for individual Post Graduate Diplomas. 5% weight age will be given to candidates who are law graduates.

Indian Law Institute (ILI)


The Indian Law Institute was formally inaugurated by the first President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad on December 12, 1957 at the Central Hall of Parliament, New Delhi in the presence of the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.R. Das, the then Chief Justice of India and late Dr. K.M. Munshi the then Executive Chairman of the Institute and Prof. L.R. Siva Subramanian the then Dean, Law Faculty of Delhi University.

Pt. Nehru welcomed the formation of the Institute as necessary and important and said that he would take the liberty to pay tribute and homage to the law and the men of the law and further remarked that he had no doubt that the Institute would perform an essential task in the development of a welfare state.

Indian Law Institute (ILI) Courses Admission Form Prospectus Download Eligibility How to Apply

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